Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Originally uploaded by boston7513 Kevin

On the origins of everyone and everything by Kevin Moore.

This story is merely my perspective, from the viewpoint in which I was raised and expresses only one man's possibility of the origins of humans. If you are a person whom is offended by the thought of the universe without a creator. Stop reading now, and delete this document.

There really is no beginning to this story, because time itself is a component of our universe. Time is a dimension just as we perceive height, depth and width as dimensions of space. But there is no doubt in my mind that there was something before the Big Bang, because after all, something had to bang to begin with. The theory that makes the most sense to me is that we live within a multi-verse, that is, there is more than one universe, and the mathematics that is far beyond my comprehension is telling the scientists, that these universes including our own, are what we would perceive as two dimensional membranes. Picture if you will, a bedsheet, that is infinitely thin, but at the same time, infinitely high and infinitely wide. And as with bedsheets these membranes are not perfectly flat. They have ripples and waves, like the surface of a pond or lake. And at some point during this alternate time line, two membranes were very close to one another and their waves converged upon each other, and then they bumped. They exchanged an unimaginable amount of energy and a third membrane was born, Our Universe!

This brings me to the beginning of "Our Time". 13.5 Billion years ago, our universe expanded from a spot, a speck, smaller than an atom, The Big Bang. And to imagine how small this is, picture in your imagination, one single speck of dust. That dust speck contains billions of atoms. In what we would perceive as an instant, the universe expanded from this space that was smaller than a speck, to the size of the Milky Way galaxy. An unimaginably hot, dense and bright ball of pure energy. It is at this point that all of the dimensions that we can measure came into existence, Time and Space was born. And during this instant of time there was a war between matter and antimatter. And fortunately for us, there was just a little bit more matter than I was antimatter. Then over the course of millions of years of expansion and cooling the first protons and electrons formed atoms. Atoms of hydrogen, and these vast clouds of hydrogen, the size of galaxies began to gravitate towards one another, these are called Nebula. If we could been there at the time to witness these modest beginnings. We would have perceive the universe as being a dark place, with only the faint glow caused by hydrogen atoms bumping into one another at incredible speeds. More millions of years pass. The clouds of hydrogen become more and more dense and because the hydrogen atoms are moving and bumping into one another. It creates an effect known as Angular Momentum. This angular momentum causes, the clouds to begin to rotate and as density increases so does gravity. This gravity pulls in more and more gas forming planets similar to our Saturn and Jupiter. But unlike Saturn and Jupiter these planets are made of pure hydrogen. Deep under the clouds of these gas giants, the pressure from gravity is so strong It forms a core of liquid metallic hydrogen and deeper still the atoms are squeezed so tightly together they began to radiate lots of heat. And as the gravity of the planet attracts more and more gas the temperature at its core steadily rises. At or about 13 times bigger than our planet Jupiter, the gas giant is producing so much heat and radiation that is now classified as a Brown dwarf star. Finally when the gas giant consumes enough hydrogen, to be roughly 3/4 the size of our sun, the core temperature reaches 7199540 degrees Fahrenheit the hydrogen atom's nuclei begin to fuse to gather at a rate equivalent to the amount of gas is coming out of the tailpipes of 1,200,000 cars, every second. This release an enormous amount of energy. The equivalent energy to six billion Hiroshima bombs per second. But the gravity of this giant is so massive that the explosion is contained and a Star is born.

Let me introduce you to our first Ancestor, called Population 3 Stars, they were the first main-sequence stars. Because the universe was so dense with clouds of hydrogen, it was like an all-you-can-eat buffet for these stars, they would even eat eachother. As a result, when a star grows to be approximately 120 times the size of our sun it's gravity can no longer contain this energy and stars begin to blow off their outer layers. When supermassive stars run out of hydrogen to fuse. Then they begin to fuse the helium into heavier elements and these fuse into even heavier elements until finally, its core becomes iron, and within seconds from the moment, a star begins producing iron they become supernova and explode. They only lived for a few million years. You could say that these first stars lived the life in the fast lane. These supernova explosions created shock waves in the gas clouds/nebula that they were born in. And these shock waves sparked new star creation and in these 2nd generation stars they had something new to work with. The heavy elements created in the explosions first stars. This made it possible for the first solar systems with rocky planets like the Earth to be formed. It is thought by many scientists our solar system is 3rd generation.

Now let's fast-forward to 5 billion years ago. The early universe only had hydrogen to work with. Imagine trying to create a recipe with only one ingredient. Now that the stars have created all these other heavy elements things really get interesting. To me, Cooking and Chemistry, are one in the same thing and by the 3
rd generation of stars, the universe has all the ingredients it needs to cook up everything that you and I have ever known. By combining the elements created in the death throes of exploding stars, in different proportions and different combinations, by varying heat and pressure compounds like water, salts, minerals and metals, organic compounds and long chain molecules begin to form in asteroids, comets, and proto-planets.

Meet our third-generation ancestors. Not alive but not quite dead, either. Vast amounts of compounds, Organic and Inorganic, in the vacuum of space floating around waiting for the right conditions. Our solar system began to take shape approximately 5 billion years ago by means of the same physics and mechanics I described earlier in the formation of the first stars. Our Sun reached critical mass and brought light and heat to the solar system. Out of the billions of objects in orbit around the sun a proto-planet about 93 million miles out from the sun began to take shape. Let me call this planet as Earth 1.0. This area of space out at 93 million miles from our type of star, is known as the Goldilocks zone, because it is not too hot, and it is not too cold. It is the perfect location for water to form on a planet without being frozen and without boiling off. But nevertheless Earth 1.0 was dry as a bone. Having been constantly being bombarded by asteroids and comments for millions of years Its entire surface was a massive ocean of molten lava, a real-life vision of what people imagine Hell to be like. And then one fine day on Earth 1.0 a proto-planet size of Mars entered the atmosphere of Earth 1.0 and the collision was enormous. Much of the two planets was vaporized in an instant and any solid material at that time was instantly liquefied. But this was not a head-on collision. Earth 1.0 was destroyed but because the collision was more of a side swipe it reformed over the course of a few months, and our Earth, Earth 2.0 was born.

Most of the heavy elements had separated like salad oil, in the collision and sank to the Earth's core and the lighter elements formed the crust on its surface. About 10% of the Earth's light material on the surface was sent into orbit and formed a ring around the planet, which eventually coalesced into our Moon. The Moon at this time was much closer to the Earth and if you were standing on this new Earth looking up at the moon. It would appear 100 times bigger than it does today. The formation of the Moon had two major effects on this new Earth. It slowed the planet's rotation on its axis from 12 hours to the 24 hours that we have today. The Moon also stabilized the axis of the Earth. Without the Moon the Earth would wobble like a top. Its north or south pole would face the sun for many thousands of years before flipping back again. This would cause the planet to be in frozen darkness on one side. The Earth's core was now iron and its mantle was molten rock. And because the core and the mantle rotate at different speeds, this generates electricity, and our magnetic field. The field protects us from harmful radiation of our own Sun's solar wind.

Thousands more years pass. The surface of the Earth and Moon have now cooled and solidified. The gravitational effects of the Sun and all the planets have cleaned up most of the dust, rocks and gases floating around the inner solar system. But something unusual was happening, out beyond Jupiter. Mathematics suggests that Uranus and Neptune formed inside the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn. But massive gravity tugs of Jupiter, lining up with Saturn, knocked Uranus and Neptune further out into the solar system. It is thought they actually switched places making Neptune the furthest out from the sun. It is also thought that they would've been flung completely out of the solar system had they not encountered a large ring of debris known as the Oort cloud. Pluto and it's moons are Oort cloud objects. Entering this ring of leftovers from the formation of the solar system had the effect of slowing the two planets down, and they settled into their current orbits. This also had the effect caused by gravitational fields of these two planets within the Oort cloud of disrupting the orbits of the Oort cloud objects and flung many of these objects into the inner solar system as comets and ice covered asteroids. This marks the period known to scientists as the second heavy bombardment, the scars of which can be plainly seen on the face of the moon today. These asteroids and comets brought to the Earth all of the water that exists on the surface and all of the ingredients for the organic compounds that constitute every living thing on the earth. The stage was set for life. The Earth was in the Goldilocks zone. The Moon was there to stabilize its axis. The core was generating a magnetic field to protect us from cosmic rays and all of the ingredients for life were Fedex delivered to us courtesy of Neptune and Uranus.

Fast-forward 3.5 Billion years ago. It is at this point that the history of our origins is a bit fuzzy. Because of weather, corrosion and continental drift, very little exists in the geological record of this time. When, where and how the first organisms came to be is still a mystery. But the evidence is very clear, by 2.5 billion years ago that your next ancestor in the chain is an organism known as blue-green algae, that was king and ruler of the planet and stayed the king for over 1.5 billion years. Building structures known as Stromatolites that grew in the same way that modern coral grows. That is, each generation builds its colony over the skeletons of the previous colony. These blue-green algae's were thought to be flourishing in shallow warm waters using sunlight and minerals as food, Photosynthesis. The atmosphere of the Earth at that time, would have been filled with toxic gases and would have been bombarded with ultraviolet rays. No life on land could have lived. Alas, you can thank your ancestors the blue-green algae for creating most of the oxygen-rich atmosphere you are breathing today and for the ozone layer in the atmosphere that protects us from ultraviolet rays. Living examples of these Stromatolites can still be found on the shores of Australia.

Fast forward to 125,000 to 60,000 years ago after the advances and retreats of many glacial periods on Earth the Sahara desert on the continent of Africa turned green with grasslands. Many creatures that were once isolated by the vast desert could now migrate north. One of these creatures was a bipedal, primate with a 3lb brain. This creatures is known as Homo sapiens, Modern Humans. Identical to you and I in mental faculties and biology. It has been suggested that there were as few as 10,000 individuals on the entire planet at this time. They had relatives such as the Neanderthal, but modern humans were close to extinction. Then some of our ancestors followed the game animals northward, up an out of Africa. Ultimately humans proved to be so resourceful, intelligent and capable of adapting to many different environmental climates, that by 12,000 years ago, they inhabited every continent on the planet and numbered in the many millions.

And so it is, in a nutshell, in my opinion, we humans in every sense are the descendents of Pure Energy, uprecycled, cooked up and combined in the universal kitchen. We have come a long way from starting this journey as pure energy. It seems to me that we are the result of 13.5 billion years of evolution and the universe thru us is now self-aware. It makes me wonder how many other recipes of life there are out there among the stars. I would love to meet our cousins!

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